Addresses for Martindale Consultants Revenue Distribution:
4100 Perimeter Center Dr Suite 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 405.948.4442
Addresses for Mach Revenue Distribution:
Martindale Consultants Mach Revenue Distribution 4100 Perimeter Center Dr Suite 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 405.948.4442
Martindale Consultants Inc. acts as agent to distribute revenues on behalf of several oil and gas producers. Owner inquiries are routed through two separate owner relations channels:
Martindale Revenue Distribution
Mach Revenue Distribution
To determine whom you should contact, please refer to your check detail or other ownership documents provided by Martindale.
If you are a Mach owner, the owner number provided by Martindale is a 6-character alpha-numeric identifier beginning with “H.”
If you are a Martindale owner, the owner number provided is a 6-character alpha-numeric identifier beginning with “M.”
If you cannot find your owner number, or you have yet to be assigned an owner number, and you know the name(s) of the property(s) on which you have questions, please consult the property lists to determine which associate you should contact.